Enhancing learning levels of primary level students in tribal regions, BCT collaborates with Sikshana Foundation, Bengaluru, Government of Andhra Pradesh and Vibha Inc to bring the ‘Comprehensive Education Initiative’. Operational since 2019, the project has seen enhanced levels of learning, leadership and participation among all the students.
The project works with students in primary, upper primary and high school students. It works in 11 mandals, targeting a total number of 1958 schools in 77 clusters.
It works on the model of mentorship whereby 11 mentors and 1 project coordinator completely implement and monitor the project in their regions. Each mentor receives initial training at the BCT campus. They next interacted with headmasters and teachers in their respective mandals. Additionally, 2 teachers from each mandal are also selected for strong teacher training. Inputs such as books, posters, manuals etc are provided in Telugu to the schools. Stars are given to each school, where different colored stars indicated different student accomplishments. Regular school visits are conducted by mentors. Clubs are formed, peer leaders are chosen, and peer-to-peer learning is encouraged. Finally an app-based monitoring and reporting takes place to collect and analyse data